Camera Giveaway on Hard Feelings

Hard Feelings blog is giving away one of these Powershovel Golden Half cameras, click the pic for details, and while you are over there check out the rest of the website.

Get Rich, Get Laid, Don't Die

The tumbler of Jon Lynn. Features a bunch of found images, along with some original work from Jon.

Mark Gonzales in Motion

Movement and spontaneity. Some people embrace it better than others. Mark's definitely one of them. Here he works with Johannes Wohnseifer, Cheryl Dunn, and Jason Schwartzman who made alterations to the original film to fit a song he wrote and titled, "West Coast." Mark's latest movements were filmed and edited in Paris by Ludovic Azemar and on display here in NYC during his exhibition last year.

Rube Goldberg Machine Inspired

This video displays many deliberately over engineered machines that perform very simple tasks in a very complex fashions, usually including a chain reaction. A lengthy and massively coordinated work with various collaborators. Check out this and their other precisely timed videos with music by OK Go here.