New Unsolved Mysteries Album

Jon Lynn's music project Unsolved Mysteries just released a new album entitled Tragic Trouble. Click the image to download the album or check the myspace to hear a few tracks.

Happy Birthday Gannwear!!

It's Gann's 17th birthday. He is growing up so fast!! Holler at him on facebook.


Deus Ex Machina, real cool company out of Austrailia that makes customs bikes but really pushes the culture of bikes from Europe and America back in the 1940's. They make everything from custom motorcycles to single speed trackbikes. Go check it out if your into motorcycles and/or appreciate a little bit of history. Double points to Deus for having a slick website.

The G

To go along with Doug's interview over there <, here is his band, The G.

The Golden Boys

Rock and roll from some good ol' boys down in Austin, Texas.