The Coen Brother's movies are always pretty great in one way or another. I sure this one wont let us down. Click the poster to see the trailer on film in focus.
TV Party was a public access show in NY during the late 70's created by Glenn O'brien. Read about it here. Also, check out this performance by Blondie on TV Party. This is a must see.
As you may have seen the site hasn't been updated for 3 day. Well it was due to some trouble with the server. Fortunately the Wizard of Oz of The Last People was there to take care of it. He's my back end web guy and has been making the site happen from day one. Again sorry for the delay and thanks for visiting.
If you have a YouTube account or even a Google account you can view the full 1976 cult classic Taxi Driver starring Robert DeNiro on YouTube. This movie rules...know your roots.
Been missing episodes of It's Always Sunny? Need to catch up? Don't have any of the seasons DVDs? Go to this website. This site has every single episode from season 1 until the current. FREE. If you haven't ever watched this show it might be the best show cable offers.
Starting in July 2010, Finland will have legal rights to internet connection. Pretty cool...perhaps this right should be spread worldwide? Check out the full article seen on TechCrunch.
Spike Lee and Robert De Niro are developing a new series for Showtime entitled "Alphaville" set in 1980s Alphabet City, now known as the East Village of Manhattan. Seen on East Village Radio.
I am living in London for a few months, so I thought I'd start a photo of the day feature for the site. For now, I will use the ect. column for this. I will add one photo a day and group them as a set on Flickr, where you can view previous photos.